What an amazing start to our school year! We had a great start up this year and everyone adjusted to our new bell schedule quite well. Coming inside 10 minutes earlier in the morning is something to get used to, but I am happy to report that our bus times have improved. Just a reminder that our first bell rings at 8:25 am to come into the school, and the second bell rings at 8:30 am which is when our school day begins. Students should be in class at this time.
October is such a great time of year to take a step back and spend time with our families. I would like to thank everyone who helped us with our Food Bank Drive. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful school and community, so giving back to those around us who need it is such great modelling to our students. Mr. Larson and I have been running character education assemblies with all grade levels. We have really enjoyed spending time with the students and talking about things such as thankfulness and respect. The kids respond really well to these discussions so please feel free to ask them what we talk about. It’s a great dinner table conversation starter.
This month, safety is an important theme with Halloween approaching. We will be having our annual Halloween parade on Oct 31 at 1:20pm in the gym. Please feel free to join us! Our School Council and Fundraising Society are also organizing a Halloween dance on Friday, Oct 25. More details to come.
I truly hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!
Mme El-Khatib
Oct 9th
PK, English Kindergarten, Grade 1, 3 and 5 students
Oct 10th
PK, French Kindergarten, Grade 2, 4, 6 students
We are happy that the Fundraising Society supports this for our school. The deadline for the first cycle is Oct 4th at 11;59pm. Thank you to the parents for organizing it and for all the volunteers who help on Fridays. Please email (ebshotlunch@gmail.com) for any information or if you want to volunteer.
Thank you parents for continuing to check in at the office, before visiting classrooms or picking up students.
Farm Credit Canada's Campaign to Drive Away Hunger!
Thanksgiving is a time for being grateful for all that we are fortunate to have in our lives. It can also be a perfect opportunity for children to learn to share their blessings. In the spirit of giving, Bellevue School is organizing a school wide collection of non-perishable food items for the Leduc and District Food Bank by supporting the Farm Credit Canada campaign to Drive Away Hunger. Every classroom will receive bags to collect the donations so they can see the bags fill up every day. Thank you for your generosity to help those who may be in need in our community, and for helping your child learn about generosity and caring for our community. We will be collecting donations from Monday, September 30th to Friday, Oct. 11th. For more information on FCC please see the link below:
Oct 9 and 10- School Pictures
Oct 14- No School- Thanksgiving
Oct 18- Jersey Day