Thursday, January 30, 2020

Weekly Update- Jan 27-30


Students had a great time participating in Mission ImPossible. 
It is always a popular activity in PE. Students get a chance to
really work on their fundamental movement skills of balance,
stability, and other manipulative skills.

Over the last month, we have been working with each grade talking
about responsibility.  We have had discussions about students being able
to take responsibility for our own actions. How to act more
responsible in different situations. How to be more responsible by helping
around the house. Being responsible with school work and other ideas. 

Feel free to continue the talk at home. 


You should have received an email of your child’s report card. 
Please contact the office if you did not receive it. Our next round of
interviews will be the week of April 8th. 


Our next Kindergarten Open House will be on February 19th,
from 6:00-6:30 pm.  

Registration for Kindergarten for 2020/21 opened on
January 22, 2020.

Pre-Kindergarten registration is on March 25. 



We are looking to run an Active for Life program with grade 5 and 6
next year.  If interested, click on the link to find out more information 

We will be hosting an informational night on
Feb 19th from 6:30-7pm.



From February 10th until March 6th, schools in Black Gold are
collecting electronics.  Each item collected is worth money back
towards the school. If you have unwanted electronics,
please drop them off at the school starting February 10th.

Coronavirus Information

Black Gold School Division has a Pandemic Plan in place which
focuses on both preventative measures and identifying flu-like illnesses. 
This plan was created with the guidance of Alberta Health Services
and can be implemented if necessary. The plan highlights six key
preventative measures which can be practiced at all times to prevent
the spread of any virus.  These key measures are:

1. If ill, stay home from work, school and avoid public places.
Seek medical attention if symptoms progress.

2. One of the best ways to prevent influenza is to get the influenza
vaccine every year.

3. Hands should be cleaned before preparing food, eating, touching
one’s face and after coughing or sneezing, using the toilet and after
handling soiled material.

4. Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.

5. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve rather than your hand.

6. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after shaking hands or
touching hard surfaces like counters and door handles or other surfaces
that may contain influenza and other viruses.

For further information regarding the Coronavirus infection you
can refer to the Government of Canada and Alberta Health Services
websites that are listed below


January 30- Report Cards are emailed home

January 31- PD Day - No School

February 6 and 7- Teachers’ Convention- No School

February 17- Family Day- No School

February 26- Council of School Councils hosted at West Haven School 6:30pm


Friday, January 24, 2020

Weekly Update- Jan 20-24


Another great week at Bellevue!  We were happy to be able to get outside
and go sledding, skating and play in the snow.  What a difference a week
makes with the weather. We want to thank the Beaumont Society for the
Arts for sponsoring a presentation of Alberta Opera’s Sleeping Beauty. 
Kindergarten also celebrated Chinese New Year this week. Of course,
there are many other great things happening at our school.
Stay up to date on our facebook site, as well.


What a great time we had at Literacy Night!  Here are a few pictures from
the night. Thank you to Ruby Seinen and all the parent organizers for putting
on this event. This small group of parents does a tremendous amount of work
for our school and we truly appreciate it! We would also like to thank those who
were able to come out and fun!  We will continue to have events for families throughout the year. We have a dance planned, another movie night, and more!  



As per our Assessment Plan (posted to our website), just a reminder that the
Parent Portal to access marks in PowerSchool will be closed until January 31 to
allow teachers to complete report cards. You can still access permission forms
and make payments online, however grading is paused until report cards get sent

You will receive a PDF document by email of your child's first semester report
card on Thursday, January 30th. 


Our next Kindergarten Open House will be on February 19th, from 6:00-6:30 pm.  

Registration for Kindergarten for 2020/21 opened on January 22, 2020.
Go to this link:

Pre-Kindergarten registration is on March 25. 



We are looking to run an Active for Life program with grade 5 and 6 next year. 
If interested, click on the link to find out more information.

We will be hosting an informational night on Feb 19th from 6:30-7 pm.


Student, staff and parent safety outside at drop off and pick up time is our number
one priority every day.

There is a detailed graphic below for all parents to refer to, as we want our students and parents to have a positive experience coming to and from school. We are so fortunate to have plenty of parking between the street and the community centre parking lot, that arrival and dismissal should be a pleasant experience for everyone. 

Just a reminder that the drive thru is for quick pick ups/drop offs only
Please remain in your vehicle and pull up to pick up your child.  Please do not stop
in the drive thru as it creates a back up in the line, which causes problems for the
street traffic.   Students should be picked up in the drive thru area and not along
the road. Cars should not be parked or stopped in the bus zones, as it creates
unsafe situations for other cars, buses and pedestrians. If the drive thru is
backed up, parents need to drive around the block and try again or go and
park the car in the community centre. 

Thank you for choosing safety before convenience and we truly appreciate your


From February 10th until March 6th, schools in Black Gold are collecting
electronics.  Each item collected is worth money back towards the school.
If you have unwanted electronics, please drop them off at the school
starting February 10th.


January 31- Report Cards are emailed home

January 31- PD Day - No School

February 6 and 7- Teachers’ Convention- No School

February 17- Family Day- No School

February 26- Council of School Councils hosted at West Haven School 6:30 pm


Friday, January 17, 2020

Weekly Update- Jan 13-17


What a week for weather.  Even though there were record low
temperatures, our students found ways to get active, be creative
and mindful during indoor recesses.  We had activities in the gym,
library, the classroom, and even in our hallways. From intramurals,
art clubs, dance clubs, and reading clubs.   We are looking forward
to getting back outside and the warmer weather.


As per our Assessment Plan (posted to our website), just a reminder
that the Parent Portal to access marks in PowerSchool will be closed
until January 31 to allow teachers to complete report cards. You can
still access permission forms and make payments online, however
grading is paused until report cards get sent home.

You will receive a PDF document by email of your child's first
semester report card on Friday, January 31 (semester end). 


Attention Kindergarten to grade 3 parents!  

You are invited to Bellevue’s Family Literacy Night on January 22,
2020 from 5:45- 7:00.  Join us for an exciting evening of reading
and writing activities you can use at home. 

This event is intended for K-3 students, however siblings and older
students are welcome. 

This is a drop in event, but please register at the following link. 


Our next Kindergarten Open House will be on February 19th,
from 6:00-6:30 pm.  No kindergarten friday, Jan 24th.

Registration for Kindergarten for 2020/21
opens on January 22, 2020 at 9:00am. Pre-Kindergarten March 25, 2020  



Student, staff and parent safety outside at drop off and pick up time
is our number one priority every day. There is a detailed graphic below
for all parents to refer to, as we want our students and parents to have
a positive experience coming to and from school. We are so fortunate to
have plenty of parking between the street and the community centre
parking lot, that arrival and dismissal should be a pleasant experience
for everyone. 

Just a reminder that the drive thru is for quick pick ups/drop offs only
Please remain in your vehicle and pull up to pick up your child. 
Please do not stop in the drive thru as it creates a back up in the line,
which causes problems for the street traffic.   Students should be picked
up in the drive thru area and not along the road. Cars should not be parked
or stopped in the bus zones, as it creates unsafe situations for other cars,
buses and pedestrians. If the drive thru is backed up, parents need to drive
around the block and try again or go and park the car. 

Thank you for choosing safety before convenience and we truly appreciate
your cooperation. 


Please do not park on the street on Monday.  Beaumont is clearing our street
of snow.


When the weather warms up, we will be offering skating (weather dependent)
on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at lunch recess. Students need to
bring their own helmet and skates.

We also offer sledding for certain grades, on certain days.  Students must
have snow pants, mitts and hats to sled.


Due to the cold weather, these meetings and nights were postponed.  The new date is to be determined. Stay tuned.


From February 10th until March 6th, schools in Black Gold are collecting
electronics.  Each item collected is worth money back towards the school.
If you have unwanted electronics, please drop them off at the school
starting February 10th.


January 22- ECS Registration and Alberta Opera Presentation

Grade 5 and 6 Boys Basketball Tournament

January 31- Report Cards are emailed home.

January 31-Feb 1st- Grade 5 and 6 Girls Basketball Tournament