Friday, January 10, 2020

Weekly Update- Jan 6-10


We hope everyone had a restful and happy holiday time. 
It is nice to have the opportunity to spend time with your family. 
We are excited to have all of the students back.


Here is the link to next year's school calendar


We had our first Kindergarten Open House on January 8th. 
The next one will be on February 19th, from 6:00-6:30 pm.
Registration for Kindergarten for 2020/21
opens on January 22, 2020 at 9:00 am.  



We usually do not send the students out if it is below -21 with
the windchillBut sometimes it is a judgement call. 
We have entered a deep freeze, but are hopeful it will warm up. 
On very cold mornings, the doors are not open until at 8:15 am.

Please help us ensure all students are properly dressed. 
Extra layers and proper hats and mitts are important to stay warm.

Bus students were sent information about the buses and the extreme
cold temperatures.   During inside recess on these cold days,
students do activities in their classrooms, but we provide
opportunities in the gym, as well. 

When the weather warms, we offer skating (weather dependent)
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students need to bring
their own helmet and skates.

We also offer sledding for certain grades, on certain days. 
Students must have snow pants to sled.


Our School Council and Fundraising Society is still in need of 7 more parent volunteers to help run our Casino that is happening at the Camrose Casino on January 27 and 28. The shifts may vary from 4pm - 12am, however with more volunteers, the shifts could be shorter.  
This is a huge fundraising opportunity for our school. It allows us to purchase items that we would not normally be able to afford, so your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Genessa at as soon as possible if you can volunteer.

The next Fundraising Society meeting is on January 15th, 2020 from 6- 6:30pm

Parent Council is January 15th 6:30-8:30pm.  They have invited the Alberta School Council Association for a special presentation on the purpose of school councils. 


Attention Kindergarten to grade 3 parents!  

You are invited to Bellevue’s Family Literacy Night on January 22, 2020 from 5:45- 7:00.  Join us for an exciting evening of reading and writing activities you can use at home. 

This event is intended for K-3 students, however siblings and older students are welcome. 

This is a drop in event, but Please register at the following link. 


January 15 - Parent Council and Fundraising Society Meetings

January 17/18- Grade 5 and 6 Girls Basketball Tournament at
Corinthia Park School.

January 22- ECS Registration and Alberta Opera Presentation

January 24- Grade 5 and 6 Boys Basketball Tournament at Caledonia
Park School.