Students had a great time participating in Mission ImPossible.
It is always a popular activity in PE. Students get a chance to
really work on their fundamental movement skills of balance,
stability, and other manipulative skills.
Over the last month, we have been working with each grade talking
about responsibility. We have had discussions about students being able
to take responsibility for our own actions. How to act more
responsible in different situations. How to be more responsible by helping
around the house. Being responsible with school work and other ideas.
Feel free to continue the talk at home.
You should have received an email of your child’s report card.
Please contact the office if you did not receive it. Our next round of
interviews will be the week of April 8th.
Our next Kindergarten Open House will be on February 19th,
from 6:00-6:30 pm.
Registration for Kindergarten for 2020/21 opened on
January 22, 2020.
Pre-Kindergarten registration is on March 25.
We are looking to run an Active for Life program with grade 5 and 6
We will be hosting an informational night on
Feb 19th from 6:30-7pm.
From February 10th until March 6th, schools in Black Gold are
collecting electronics. Each item collected is worth money back
towards the school. If you have unwanted electronics,
please drop them off at the school starting February 10th.
Coronavirus Information
Black Gold School Division has a Pandemic Plan in place which
focuses on both preventative measures and identifying flu-like illnesses.
This plan was created with the guidance of Alberta Health Services
and can be implemented if necessary. The plan highlights six key
preventative measures which can be practiced at all times to prevent
the spread of any virus. These key measures are:
1. If ill, stay home from work, school and avoid public places.
Seek medical attention if symptoms progress.
2. One of the best ways to prevent influenza is to get the influenza
vaccine every year.
3. Hands should be cleaned before preparing food, eating, touching
one’s face and after coughing or sneezing, using the toilet and after
handling soiled material.
4. Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
5. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve rather than your hand.
6. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after shaking hands or
touching hard surfaces like counters and door handles or other surfaces
that may contain influenza and other viruses.
For further information regarding the Coronavirus infection you
can refer to the Government of Canada and Alberta Health Services
websites that are listed below
January 30- Report Cards are emailed home
January 31- PD Day - No School
February 6 and 7- Teachers’ Convention- No School
February 17- Family Day- No School
February 26- Council of School Councils hosted at West Haven School 6:30pm